Sunday, 3 August 2014

100 days of happy....

100 Days of being happy. 

Bit different from my usual training and nutrition based stuff but this caught my eye.

Stumbled upon this campaign somehow and it grabbed my attention. 

Not something I'd normally be into to be honest, but in the spirit of always trying to get better as a person and trying out new things/challenges I thought I'd give it a shot. 

Basically it involves posting a picture of something that has made you happy every day for 100 consecutive days. (Check the website I've linked at the top for a full rundown of the challenge)

I agree this won't be for everyone, some people will think its a load of shite (I would normally), but it's something you do for yourself, and not about anything else. I think for me it's going to be about expressing gratitude for the things in my life, however big or small they are. 

I consider myself pretty lucky in life. Things could certainly be a whole lot worse when you see what goes on in the world on a daily basis! Yeah we all have shit days now and then, and at some point in the next 100days I'm sure I'll have a bad one here and there but by still finding a happy moment on those days it may just turn a shit day into a good one!

Anyhow, apparently 71% of people who start the challenge don't finish it, and that's a good enough challenge for me in itself to be one of the other 29%.

Let's see how it goes!....

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