Friday, 31 October 2014

Act like a baby!...

For the past few weeks I've been watching something amazing happen. 

My 10 month old daughter has been teaching herself to walk. And she's been relentless at it! 

Up, down, up, down, just watching her is tiring at times. But no matter how many times she went over she would pop right back up and try and try again. Thank god for nappies or her backside would be black and blue!

But she's now able to balance really well, take unaided steps, and basically roam free with a huge smile on her face as the the world has just become her playground.

Sitting watching all of this play out has got me thinking about the innate human desire to learn, to improve, to grow and get better at things. 

As humans we are born with this. It's an automatic response in our brains to respond to a challenge that is set out in front of us.

As babies, first we learn to brace our little bodies. Then to sit unaided. Then to prop ourselves up, to role, then to shuffle, to crawl, to pull ourselves up, and finally make those momentous first steps that is our first real taste of freedom. 

It's human evolution.

I'll never ever forget the look of joy on Mila's face as she took those first few steps. The feeling of accomplishment was plain to see in her eyes even if she didn't even know what that feeling really meant yet.

When we are growing up we are constantly eager to learn new things. Walking, talking, reading, writing. We persevere almost relentlessly until we achieve what we set out to do. I've never really thought about it that much until watching Mila go through this learning process over the past 10 months.

So now I'm wondering at what point then do we sometimes lose this desire to improve and learn new skills as adults. At what point does our mind just give up on something we've been trying to achieve when it becomes too difficult instead of persevering until we 'get it'

Maybe it's because we become lazy? 

Maybe it's because things are handed to us too easily these days? 

Made too convenient for us?

Maybe we don't even need to learn new skills anymore to survive?

Let's be honest. If we really didn't want to we could quite easily sit on our arses and never leave our own front rooms. The internet, mobile phones, Online shopping, remote working, email, laptop computers, a million different tv channels.  

The sad thing is this is actually happening. And probably a lot more than we actually realise.

People are become hermits!

Even kids these days don't leave the house nearly half as much as in the past due to online gaming, Xbox, blue ray players and the likes. The vast majority aren't anywhere near as active as they should be. But that's a rant for another day. And one things for sure, that shit ain't happening on my watch with Mila!...

So anyway.

In my opinion we need to get back to what we once were. Creatures that want to evolve. Learn new skills. Progress in life. Not give up on shit when the going gets tough. 

We need to get back to having some good old fashioned 'grit' and 'determination'

Whatever we want to improve in our lives we need to just get on and do it. Keep at it until we achieve it. 

Get back to feeling a sense of achievement for completing something we set out to do. 

I bet some people can't even remember what that feels like.  

We all have something we keep saying we want to do or learn or get better at. Well there's no time like the present. 

Because once we give up on self improvement and learning new things we just idle along in life. Going nowhere in a sense. Just coasting without a direction. In essence, without progression in our lives we are just preparing for death. 

Yes I know that sounds a bit dramatic and our final day may be many years away but the brain is now being conditioned for it. Down regulating bit by bit. 

What is the point in a life without challenge. Something to aim for. Something to improve at. 

It doesn't have to be a huge thing either.

Maybe something as simple as learning a few new recipes in the kitchen to improve the quality of our food intake.

Taking up a new sport. 

Learning a new language.

Learning to drive.

Reading some books.

Turning off the tv, getting off the sofa, and fucking moving a bit more. 

I am of course a big advocate of all things health, nutrition, and fitness. And I believe everyone could benefit from prioritising their health a bit more.

For a while though I didn't make it a priority and I ended up feeling like shit about myself.

Luckily I got my passion back.

I've reconnected with my baby brain and have the relentless will to improve at things again. To better myself as a person.

So the next time my wife tells me to stop acting like a baby I can tell her that's exactly what I want to be doing!!

Maybe we could all take a leaf out of a baby's book and rekindle our love for learning and self improvement?

Get busy living or get busy dying!...

The choice is yours....

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Protein Cheesecake....

Had a lot of love for the protein cheesecake I made at the weekend and it was pretty damn awesome if I do say so myself!

One happy taster said he couldn't believe it wasn't full of sugar and bad for you like normal cheesecake is. 

It just goes to show that eating healthily can still be full of awesome treats and not bland and boring like a lot of people seem to think.

Anyway here's the recipe if you fancy giving it a go. It's so easy to make honestly. I slightly modified a recipe by @Protein_Chef, you should check her twitter account out for loads of top notch protein related cooking ideas.


2 scoops white choc Muscle mousse.
2 scoops strawberry Bio Whey protein.
500g plain quark.
300g reduced fat cream cheese.
Handful fresh Blueberries.

200g reduced fat digestive biscuits.
1 heaped tablespoon peanut butter.
1 tablespoon coconut oil.
1 egg.

2 tablespoons Greek yogurt.
50g melted 85% dark chocolate.
Handful sliced almonds.


Blitz the digestives in a food processor or bash them up in a sandwich bag. Melt the peanut butter and coconut oil in a bowl in the microwave and mix in the digestives. Crack the egg into the mix too and combine all well.

Press this mixture down well into an 8inch loose bottom cake tin to create the base.

In a separate large bowl combine the quark, cream cheese, muscle mousse, and whey protein. Beat it all up really well and then carefully fold in the blueberries.

Pour this mixture over the base and spread to level out.

Bang in preheated oven at 180 degrees (160 fan assisted) for 30 mins. If the top starts browning reduce the heat. (It should still be a bit wobbly when you take it out the oven). Remove from oven and leave to cool to room temperature for an hour or so.

Spread the Greek yogurt over the top of the cake and pour over melted dark Choc. Marble it up with the back of a spoon. Finally sprinkle the almonds over the top and stick in the fridge for at least 4 hours to set. 

The cake actually sets better the longer you leave it in the fridge and I think it tastes even better after a day or two of chilling.

Enjoy a slice guilt free at any time of the day, but I love it as an awesome post workout protein hit!.....

Saturday, 4 October 2014

Getting Deep!.....

Going to get a bit deep here, but don't worry, I'll not bore you to tears!

'What is the meaning of life' that age old question that everyone finds themselves asking at one point or another. 

Well I've been thinking about it a lot lately and here's my take on it.

I actually don't think there's a single best answer to this to be honest. Because everyone will have their own opinion on it and rightly so. We've probably all seen or heard different peoples opinions on it but for me we all have to find our own answer to the question.

My personal belief is that the meaning of life is to find happiness. To find our 'bliss' as they say. Sounds simple enough but at times it's far from it.

For some people that may be something as simple as making it through the day in one piece. To be able to find food, water, or shelter.

For others it will be to complete a goal, an objective, or a personal challenge.

For some it may be to find peace in their lives, to feel loved, to find a sole mate.

For some, they may not have found their meaning yet.

But for me, once we have found our 'bliss', then we have found the meaning of life.

I consider myself very lucky. I have a great life. I have my health, my sanity, my wellbeing. 

I have a brilliant wife, an unbreakable relationship with someone I can endure anything with.

I have a gorgeous daughter, who I love so much more than I have the vocabulary to explain in written words.

I have my own home, a job, a loving family and brilliant friends.

I have found my true passion in life. Health, fitness, nutrition. Things I strive to improve on a daily basis.

For me, I have very nearly found my bliss, and I am extremely greatful for it. 

I say nearly because there are still things I want to change in my life. Things I am working hard on, every day, to get to exactly where I want to be.

I have an insatiable appetite to get better. To improve. To grow. Only the people closest to me understand how I'm feeling and see what I'm doing and I'm greatful to them for understanding. I'm on a path and I will get to my destination. I'm well on my way.  

For years I was lost but now I can say I'm happy.

I also realise that not everyone is as lucky as myself. That's why I never take my life for granted. Even when I'm having a bad day I'm still greatful for what I have. And we all have bad days from time to time. I just trust in the saying 'one storm doesn't ruin a summer'.

But I also think that a lot of people are luckier than they realise. I once read a great quote which is 'in general people are about as happy as they make up their minds to be'.

People who live their life with a positive mindset are so much closer to finding their 'bliss' than someone who has a negative frame of mind and are always seeing life as a chore. 

Learning to have a positive mindset even when life gets a little tough can make so much of a difference.

I'll leave you with some ideas that I hope can help you on your road to find your own meaning of life if you feel a little lost.

Of course these are only my opinions but I certainly felt lost only a matter of a few years ago and if I can help just one person with this post then it will be worth it.

** Find a passion. Absolutely everyone should have something in their life that they are passionate about. It doesn't matter what it is just find it.

** Look after your health. It is the single most important thing we have control over. Eat well, exercise frequently, be active. 

** Be positive. A positive mindset makes life so much easier. In all sorts of ways. 

** Surround yourself with like minded positive people. Negative people are like a cancer to your wellbeing. There is a lot of mileage in the saying 'you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with'.

** Be open minded. Never close your mind to new or different ideals or ideas. Even if at first you aren't convinced. Learn new things often and realise not everyone is the same as you are.

** Let go of the past, embrace the future. There is absolutely nothing you can do about what has already been and gone. You absolutely do have the power to influence your present and future.

In your quest to find your own meaning of life I wish you nothing but success!

Enjoy the journey.....