Monday, 21 July 2014

Back to basics...

It's time to get back to basics....

To lose weight, or fat I should say, and to generally improve our health and wellbeing in general the best and frankly only place to start is by simply getting the basics right.

Without getting the fundamentals or simple things right you can follow the best 'diet' in the world and you will struggle to get results you want long term.

What I mean by the basics are:-

Trying as much as possible to stick to single ingredient, whole foods. Fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, seeds, fresh fish, lean cuts of meat & poultry. Ideally free range and organic if your budget allows.

No processed crap. That includes ready meals, pre packaged cakes, biscuits, sweets, and crisps.

Ditch the takeaways. Full stop. You know why. They're full of shit.

Keep alcohol to a minimum. Everyone likes a pint or glass of wine now and then, there's nothing wrong with that, we're all human! But drinking to often will kill your diet. Easily!

Cut out fizzy pop and other sugary drinks. And yes that includes diet pop. It tastes like shit anyway.

Drink plenty of water. At least 2-3 litres per day. This is so important!

Eat until you are satisfied not until your are full. Portion size and control are big things to master. You don't have to stuff yourself by clearing your plate if you have had enough.

Also, you don't always need to have a dessert after every meal! Have an apple or some grapes instead.

Eat breakfast. No excuses. Just eat breakfast.

To summarise.

Cut out crap, convenience, preprocessed, sugar laden food.

Eat nutritious, real food, in the right quantities, at the right times. 

Nothing difficult or fancy about that right?

I could go on but you know all these things already don't you.

Yes it's all obvious stuff I agree but you'd be surprised how often people forget the basics when their fat loss stalls, stops altogether, or worst of all does a u turn and they begin piling on the pounds again.

They'll blame anything for it happening. This goes back to accountability.

Normally though it's just they've forgotten the basics and once they get back to them everything is rosy again. Job done.

I'll stop things right there as there's no need to ramble on.

So get back to basics people and the rest will take care of itself!

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