Been thinking about this for a while...
And it's finally sunk in...
I'm a bit gutted to tell you the truth...
I've finally accepted that I'm probably never going to win the lottery!...
Now before you start shaking your head and say "what a knob head, I could have told him that" just let me explain.
Accepting something that we don't necessarily want to accept is tough. It fucking hurts actually and it's massively disappointing.
But the sooner we accept it and learn how to move on and deal with it then we quickly realise that the disappointment can be overcome.
Ok the lottery thing was a bit of a joke. I'll still have my ticket on for this Saturday night!
Let me use another example of myself to get to the point.
I accepted a while ago that I was never going to be as good looking as Brad Pitt in fight club. You know that classic scene where he has his top off and his Abs are looking ripped to bits. Yeah he looked fucking sexy I admit it and I'm about as heterosexual a male as you can get!
I simply don't have the same body type or genetics that brad Pitt does... Or the looks for that matter... Or the money... Or the life... Oh well!
No matter how hard I train I would never have that look.
I accepted it.
More recently in the new Superman movie. Henry Cavill looks pretty damn awesome too. Big, strong, powerful, superhuman almost. Well he is superman I suppose!
I accepted right away I was never going to be superman.
But has it stopped me trying?
No has it fuck!
I just accepted it and decided to push myself harder in the gym and in the kitchen to try and be the best version of MYSELF that I can be.
Now don't get me wrong, the last thing I'm trying to promote here is a defeatist attitude.
Never give up on your dreams...Never!
Just be sensible about it.
People who want to lose a bit of weight, build a bit of muscle, become a little stronger, be a little healthier. That's awesome.
And it will happen.
Just accept that it takes time and you won't look like Brad pit in 8 weeks time. Or like Beyoncé or Nicole Sherzinger after a couple of gym sessions.
I'm sorry this sounds a little harsh but it didn't take you 2 months to put on all that fat did it? Well it won't come off in 2 months either will it! Accept it!
What you can do is follow a proper nutrition and exercise plan and gradually you WILL get to where you want to be. Ok not walking the catwalk or posing on the cover of a magazine maybe, but being the best version of YOURSELF that you've ever been.
Learn how to make small, habit based changes, one at a time, to improve your diet and lifestyle. You don't need to make massive changes all at once, in fact that's probably the quickest way to fail.
Little by little make improvements to your lifestyle, because in most cases that's what's needed, a change in lifestyle. Some people might not want to hear that, because most people don't like change. I know I didn't at first.
But small changes become habits, and then them habits lead to improvements, and then before you even realise it you have made loads of small changes that have lead to big results. Your diet will have improved, your body composition will have improved, you'll feel more energetic, your mood will have improved.
This will happen. Just give it a bit of time!
But promise me this, please please PLEASE! Don't fall for the bullshit and jump on the latest fad diet or get ripped quick exercise program.
I GUARANTEE you won't lose 30lbs of fat in 8 weeks or put on 20lb of lean muscle in 12 weeks!
You might not want to hear it but it's the truth.
The sooner you accept that and decide to try something that WILL give you results then the sooner you will feel better about yourself. I promise.
Acceptance can sometimes feel awesome. It takes so much pressure off yourself when you stop trying to be something that your never going to be. Or have something your never going to have.
Learn how to get to where you want to be the right way. There are no quick fixes when it comes to your health and physique. That is the simple truth. It's a journey and it's a great one when you get it right.
Make a change for the LONGTERM not just the next 6 weeks.
It's a marathon, not a sprint.
Be the best version of YOU that you can be.
And don't stop until you get there!
Good luck!
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