Saturday, 29 November 2014

Scratch that itch....

It starts with an itch...

Something that just doesn't feel right deep down inside of you. 

Kind of niggles at you constantly but you can't quite put your finger on it.

At first you don't know how to scratch that itch so you just ignore it until it goes away.

But it keeps coming back....

And this continues to happen until you realise what that itch really means.

It turns out it's your body and your mind subtly telling you that it's time to change something.

Change something you aren't happy with.

Change something that is holding you back in your life. 

Change something that will make you feel better. Improve your outlook on life. Help you grow. Make you a better you.

But in order to change something you have to do some work. 

Some work that requires you to do something that is not 'normal' to you.

So you ignore the itch again...

And again...

Until the itch becomes so unbearable that you finally decide to do something about it.

Because the only time you'll successfully make a change is when your desire to change outweighs your desire to stay the same.

Now it's time to create a 'new normal'.

But how do we do that?....

Well first you start by creating a vision. 

A vision of what you want your change to look like.

What you want your future to look like.

And that is unique to each and every individual.

Then you must find your 'why'.

'Why' you want to change.

Not why someone else wants you to change, or why you think you have to change.

Why YOU really want to change.

And once you've done that you can now start making inroads into creating your vision.

By building new habits. 

Small habits, one at a time. 

Baby steps you might call it.

This won't feel 'normal' at first, and it will require some work to keep the momentum of change going.

But slowly, over time, these new habits will be formed.

Until you are doing things that once felt difficult or strange without even realising.

You have started to create your 'new normal'.

So now you start to surround yourself with people and things that fall in line with your new normal.

Others who share your vision for a better future. 

People who support your vision and understand what it feels like to make positive change.

People who inspire you and also have a desire and drive to improve and be better every day.

Then a little further down the line you begin to realise how different you feel. 

How far you have come.

How different your new normal is to the life you were living only a short time ago.

Your now comfortable doing the work  you once feared. 

You realise that progress comes one inch at a time. 

By consistently doing the things necessary to make the changes you want to see.

Your on your path now. 

You can see your future. 

You are becoming your vision....

If you have an itch. If you have something in your life that you aren't happy with. If you want to change something.

Then you absolutely can make that change.

You just need to be prepared to do the work necessary.

Get comfortable being uncomfortable for a little while.  

Because nothing worth having ever comes easy.

But when progress happens you realise what once seemed impossible now really is possible.

And your world is suddenly a better place to live in.....

If you have an itch.

Go scratch it!.....

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