Personal training.
The clue is in the title. As someone who loves to help people make positive changes in their lives through the promotion and coaching of healthy eating, exercise, and living an active lifestyle on the whole. I strongly believe that as a personal trainer it is my duty of care to provide a 'personal' service for my clients. Sadly as an industry on the whole it seems that this is not always the case.
Personal training should extend much further than the handful of hours we spend on the gym floor with our clients every week. Firstly we should be inspiring our clients to be better versions of themselves. We need to set an example. If we are doing things that go against what we are trying to preach then why should our clients listen to our advice?
The programmes we create should be tailored to our clients individual goals. They should be well thought out, progressive, specific, not simply a generic programme that anyone can download from the Internet or dream up last minute. And don't forget our clients don't have the same goals as ourselves, so how we train ourselves should not necessarily be how we train our clients. In fact in most cases it should never be!
Our clients trust us as 'experts' in our field and we should act accordingly. We shouldn't be dishing out exercises blindly, rather explaining exactly why those exercises have been chosen, how they will help them improve, and how it fits into the overall training plan we are building for them for the future. We should be empowering them with knowledge and information not just barking orders or baffling them with science.
The biggest thing for me though is the rapport we build with our clients. We should be treating them with respect and making them feel at ease. When we are with them we should be giving them our full attention. We should be listening to them. Observing how they move during exercises. Coaching them. That is our job and that is what they are paying us for at the end of the day. That and the fact that we should be selling a result not just a service. If we aren't getting the results our clients desire then maybe we have been unrealistic in our goal setting procedures or our training plans are simply ineffective.
If we are in this industry to try and make some quick cash then we are doing it for all the wrong reasons. We should be passionate about our jobs. We should truly care about our clients and the results they are striving for.
And that is huge for me. That's what I believe sets good trainers apart. They genuinely care. And you can't fake that!
If you are thinking of hiring a personal trainer, or if you have had a bad experience with a trainer in the past. Then please remember what I have said here. Don't pay anyone your hard earned money if you are not comfortable with them. And don't be afraid to tell them either. I would personally rather know if a client wasn't happy with something so I could try and rectify it. And if you have already tried that and nothing has changed then I don't need to tell you that you really need to reconsider who you are working with.
I really hope this hasn't put anyone off if they were thinking of hiring a trainer. I'm just really passionate about making a good impression in this industry that I love being a part of.
And I want to help put an end to some of the negativity surrounding it at times.
We are not all the same.
I'm biased but I see myself as one of the good guys. Someone who wants to see you succeed. I'd love to hear what your goals are so please feel free to get in touch and let me help you towards them.
All you need to do is ask.
Thanks for reading!